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Permutation or Combination Calculations

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For each question determine if the situation is a permutation or combination and if it is with or without replacement, then determine the answer.

1 Identify each of the following 1) as a permutation or combination and 2) as with or without replacement:
a) Social security numbers
b) Books in your backpack
c) Numbers chosen for the "Big" lotto
d) The cards in your hand for a card game
e) Lunch chosen by a student from the cafeteria menu.

5 A cafeteria offers 4 main menu selections, 5 salad selections, 3 fruit selections and 8 drink selections. How many ways can a student choose a lunch if
f) The student chooses one of each of the selections?
g) The student chooses two different main menu selections (must be different) and one salad?
h) The student chooses 3 salads (different), and a fruit?
i) The student chooses 4 salads (must be different), and a fruit?
j) The student chooses 5 items (main, salad or fruit), all different, and a drink?
k) The student chooses 2 different main menu items, 2 different salads, 2 pieces of different fruits and 1 drink (he plays football and is hungry!)
l) Which of these are combinations and which are permutations? Which are with and which without replacement?

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The solution determines and calculates a number of permutation/combinations of numbers.

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1) Identify each of the following 1) as a permutation or combination and 2) as with or without replacement:

a) Social security numbers Combination and without replacement
b) Books in your backpack Combination and without replacement
c) Numbers chosen for the "Big" lotto Combination and with replacement
d) The ...

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