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Explain how to compute the volume of a regular Octahedron of edge length alpha.

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Euclidean Geometry (III)
Computing the Volume of a regular Octahedron of edge length alpha

Explain how to compute the volume of a regular Octahedron of edge length alpha.
To find the volume of a regular octahedron each of whose edges is alpha unit.
Also deduce the volume of a regular Octahedron of edge length 1.

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Solution Summary

This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation for finding the volume of a regular Octahedron of edge length alpha.
It also contains step-by-step explanation for finding the volume of a regular Octahedron of edge length 1.

Notes are also given at the end.

Solution contains detailed step-by-step explanation.

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Euclidean Geometry (III)
Computing the Volume of a regular Octahedron of edge length alpha


Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Manipur University
  • MSc, Kanpur University
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