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Linear Programming Problem: Maximization

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Angela and Bob Ray keep a large garden in which they grow cabbage, tomatoes, and onions to make two kinds of relish - chow-chow and tomato. The chow-chow is made primarily of cabbage, whereas the tomato relish has more tomatoes than does the chow-chow. Both relishes include onions, and negligible amounts of bell peppers and spices. A jar of chow-chow contains 8 ounces of cabbage, 3 ounces of tomatoes, and 3 ounces of onions, whereas a jar of tomato relish contains 6 ounces of tomatoes, 6 ounces of cabbage, and 2 ounces of onions. The Rays grow 120 pounds of cabbage, 90 pounds of tomatoes, and 45 pounds of onions each summer. The Rays can produce no more that 24 dozen jars of relish. They make $2.25 in profit from a jar of chow-chow and $1.95 in profit from a jar of tomato relish. The Rays want to know how many jars of each kind of relish to produce to generate the most profit.
a. Formulate a linear programming model for this problem.
b. Solve this model graphically.

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Solution Summary

The solution provides step by step method for the calculation of optimal solution for a maximization problem using graphical method. Graph of the feasible region is also included.

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