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Comparing Techniques using Excel

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Begin by calculating the mean, median, and mode for a fictitious data set. These data represent the results of a fictitious study which investigates whether a progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) technique is more effective than a biofeedback technique in the reduction of occupational stress. Employees were randomly assigned to the PMR or biofeedback group. All employees were screened to ensure they met the criteria for high levels of occupational stress. All employees received a one-hour training on either PMR or biofeedback. After one month of utilizing the stress management technique, employees completed a measure of occupational stress called the Occupational Stress Inventory (OSI). Note that higher scores on the OSI inventory reflect greater levels of occupational stress.

Part 1: Create a table showing the mean, median, and mode for each stress management technique on the score for OSI. The data for each participant are contained in the "Participant Data" worksheet in the Data file. You may use Excel or you can calculate these values by hand. Your table should look like the following:

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) Biofeedback

Part 2: The I/O practitioner conducting this research is also interested in whether the effects of these stress management techniques vary by sex, so male employees and female employees were recruited for the study. For the second part of this assignment, create a table showing the mean, median, mode, range, variance and standard deviation for each stress management condition and each sex on the score for the OSI. Use the data for each participant contained in the "Participant Data" worksheet in the Data File. You may use Excel or you can calculate these values by hand. Your table should look like the following:

PMR Female Biofeedback Male
PMR Male
Standard Deviation

Part 3: Create a bar chart in Excel reflecting the means for each of the four groups identified in Part 2. Remember that your bar chart should show the means for each group rather than individual participant data, and so be sure to organize your data accordingly.

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The Solution origanizes the data on biofeedback and progressive muscle relaxation to find the mean, median, and mode.

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Solution provided by:
  • MSc, Osmania University
  • MSc, Indian Institute of Technology - Roorkee (I.I.T.-ROORKEE)
  • BSc, Banaras Hindu University
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