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Regression & Residual Analysis

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An experiment was carried out to assess the impact of the variables x1 = force(gm), X2 = power (mW), x3 = temperature (C) and x4 = time (msec) on y = ball bond shear strength (gm). The results are given in the problem 5 Excel data file.
a. Perform a complete analysis.
b. Perform a complete residual analysis.
c. Check for collinearity problems.

See the attached files for the data

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Solution Summary

The solution provides step by step method for the calculation of regression analysis. Formula for the calculation and Interpretations of the results are also included.

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An experiment was carried out to assess the impact of the variables x1 = force(gm), X2 = power (mW), x3 = temperature (C) and x4 = time (msec) on y = ball bond shear strength (gm). The results are given in the problem 5 Excel data file.
a. Perform a complete analysis.
The estimated regression equation is given by,
Strength = -28.99 + 0.2117 * Force + 0.4983 * Power + 0.0811 * Temp + 0.326 * Time
The regression coefficients can be interpreted as follows:
For a unit increase in Force, strength increases by 0.2117 units.
For a unit increase in Power, strength increases by 0.4983 units.
For a unit increase in Temperature, strength increases by 0.0811 units.
For a unit increase in Time, strength increases by 0.326 units.
The significance of regression coefficients are tested using student's t test.
Here the only explanatory variable that is significant is the Power, since the p-value is significant. That is, Power has a significant effect on Strength. All other explanatory variables are insignificant, since the corresponding ...

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