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Do you believe that individual human beings survive their own deaths? Notice that your answer to this question needs to be consistent with your position on other aspects of human nature. Your account of the relationship between mind and body may significantly shape your conception of immortality. In addition, any afterlife worth having would have to provide for the notion of personal identity you have accepted.

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The expert determines if individual human beings survive their own deaths. The body which may significantly shape conception of immortality is determined.

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Again, I used Berdyaev. Since his view is fairly easy to grasp, he is an excellent bet. This is especially the case since you list no specific people we have to deal with. One of the things that make Berdyaev appealing is that he, unlike most philosophers, is easy to read. That alone should make college students happy.
Remember, however, for both posts, that these are my opinions and mine only. You need to add your own, or reject them altogether.

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Do you believe that individual human beings survive their own deaths? Notice that your answer to this question needs to be consistent with your position on other aspects of human nature. Your account of the relationship between mind and body may significantly shape your conception of immortality. In addition, any afterlife worth having would have to provide for the notion of personal identity you have accepted.

Berdyaev's existential idea here again remains the most convincing, easy to grasp and, in my view, most in line with our common sense and general experience. After all, we do experience our own freedom, which, of itself, cannot spring from anything material. There is no real distinction between consciousness and freedom, yet there is between freedom and thought, as well as freedom and matter. These need not be in opposition, but they often are.

Evil can be found in matter as well as spirit and soul. It all depends on our choices, of which there are only two: to exist in and for material objects (and this includes all dogma, ideology ...

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