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Uninterrupted power supply

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For a computer system you can access, determine how much wattage output a UPS should have in the event of a total blackout, and estimate how long the UPS should sustain power. Research the market and report on the features and prices of a standby UPS and an inline UPS. Include the following information in your answer:

Wattage supported
Length of time the power is sustained during total blackout
Line-conditioning features
AC backup present or not present for the inline UPS
Surge suppressor present or not present
Number of power outlets on the box, and other features
Written guarantees
Brand name, model, vendor, and price of the device

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This solution provides an explanation for various concepts related to uninterrupted power supply.

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Attached (.doc) is a FULL draft of your assignment and you should now have the tools to do great. I hope that you ...

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