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Travelling from Earth to Mars & Between Atom Energy Levels

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1. In the Bohr model of the atom, the energy of the electron depends only on one quantum number, n. In the Paschen series of the spectral wavelengths, the electronic transitions always terminate at the n=3 level.
a. Calculate the energy of the electron in the n=3 level of hydrogen, in electron volts.
b. What is the smallest possible 'energy gap" between the n=3 level and some other level/ Given the answer in electron volts.
c. What is the longest wavelength of light given off in the Paschen series of hydrogen?

2. Why was the Bohr model unsatisfactory in giving us a compete model for atoms?

3. The mass energy of an electron is 0.511 MeV. What is the speed of an electron whose total energy is three times that or 1.53 MeV?

4. Early models of the atoms assumed a large "soft" ball of positive charge with electrons embedded in it. What evidence do we have that this is wrong?

5. Spaceman Spiff passes the earth onhis way to Mars. His thruster control is stuck and his spacecraft is traveling at .95c. This distance from the earth to Mars is 1.2 10^11m.

a. How long (as observed by someone on earth) will it take Spiff to travel from the earth to Mars?

b. What is the distance Spiff measures for the distance from the earth to Mars?

c.How much time will Spiff measure for his trip from earth to Mars?

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Solution Summary

Solution attaches a Word file to show how to answer these 5 multi-part questions covering distances and travel times from Earth to Mars, atom model physics and electron energies.

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