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Newton's laws of motion and friction

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The floor of a railroad flatcar is loaded with loose crates having a coefficient of static friction of 0.48 with the floor. If the train is initially moving at a speed of 52 km/h, in how short a distance can the train be stopped at constant acceleration without causing the crates to slide over the floor?

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The solution calculates the minimum distance covered by a railroad car without sliding the crates in it.

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The floor of a railroad flatcar is loaded with loose crates having a coefficient of static friction of 0.48 with the floor. If the train is initially moving at a speed of 52 km/h, in how short a distance can the train be stopped at constant acceleration without causing the crates to slide over the floor?

Initial speed of railroad car u = 52 km/h
= 52(5/18) m/s
= 14.44 ...

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