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Average Power Being Expended

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A person is making homemade ice cream. She exerts a force of magnitude 22 N on the free end of the crank handle, and this end moves in a circular path of radius 0.28 m. The force is always applied parallel to the motion of the handle. If the handle is turned once every 1.3s, What is the average power being expended?

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Solution Summary

A person is making homemade ice cream. She exerts a force of magnitude 22 N on the free end of the crank handle, and this end moves in a circular path of radius 0.28 m. The force is always applied parallel to the motion of the handle. If the handle is turned once every 1.3s, What is the average power being expended?

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you are asked to calculate average power

power = work done/ time taken to do that work

Now, to find work done,

work done = force * distance

distance ...

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