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Baseline Project 12 - Temperature Scales

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Skill Level I: You are an American exchange student planning to study in Florence, Italy, during the winter term. In preparation for your trip, you consult the Italian school's Web site to find out what the temperature is likely to be. However, the daily weather is given in the Celsius scale. Use the table to find a way to convert temperatures from the Celsius to the Fahrenheit scale.

Skill Level II: Find a relationship that will allow you to go from a Fahrenheit measurement to a Celsius measurement in two ways:
1. By graphing the data in a chart drawn in Skill Level I
2. By taking the relationship that you found in Skill Level I and algebraically manipulating it so that TC is isolated.

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Baseline Project 12- Temperature Scales

Skill Level I

I. Understand the Problem

Read the problem carefully. It may be helpful to underline the key pieces of information that you need to solve the problem. Be sure that you understand exactly what problem you are asked to solve.


To find a way to convert temperatures from the Celsius to the Fahrenheit scale.

II. Devise a Plan

(a) What are some of the strategies you might use to find a solution to this problem?


I can first use some available (or standard) temperature points, such as the boiling temperature of water and freezing temperature of ice, and see if the temperatures in the two scales have any relationship.

(b) Graph the information by drawing coordinate axes with degrees Fahrenheit, TF, along they-axis and degrees Celsius, TC, on the x-axis. Plot the information on freezing and boiling temperatures as points on the graph.


The ordered pairs on the graph will have the format ( C,  F)
Points plotted on the graph: Freezing point of ...

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