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For women's volleyball the top of the net is 2.24 m above th

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For women's volleyball the top of the net is 2.24 m above the floor and the court measures 9.0 m by 9.0 m on each side of the net. Using a jump serve, a player strikes the ball at a point that is 3.0 m above the floor and a horizontal distance of 8.0 m from the net. If the initial velocity of the ball is horizontal,
a) what minimum magnitude must it have if the ball is to clear the net and
b) what maximum magnitude can it have if the ball is to strike the floor inside the back line on the other side of the net?

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The solution provides detailed and step-by-step calculations for the trajectory and motion problem.

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a. The ball can clear the net if the height of the ball at x=8 is larger than 2.24.
In the given reference, you will see that the case of horizontal launch can be applied here. In this case,
Horizontal motion:
Vox is what we need to ...

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