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Calculating car engine efficiency in gasoline burn

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The burning of gasoline in a car releases about 2.85à?104 kcal per gallon. If a car averages 42.9 km/gallon when driving 86.2 km/hr, which requires 24.9 hp, what is the efficiency (in percent) of the engine under those conditions?

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Solution Summary

Using extensive calculations and conversions, the solution demonstrates how to calculate a car's engine efficiency, in terms of gasoline burned and distance traveled.

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Efficiency = (output work/input work) * 100

Therefore, we need to find the input work and then the output work.

Given data, there are some conversions involved:

Energy = 2.85à?10^4 k cal per gallon
1 Calorie = 4.18400 joule
Therefore, energy = 2.85à?10^4 * 10^3 * 4.184
Joules ...

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