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I have another concern/enquiry regarding the Consitution's mandatory requirement re: eligibility for PROTUS.

It states that the individual must be a natural born citizen but then states that the elected candidate must have a residency of 14 years.

Wy this contradiction? This seems a bit vague!?

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The solution provides insight,information and advice on the topic of ELIGIBILITY for POTUS from Article 2.1 to clarify the contradictory elements.

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I understand your confusion, but there is no contradiction involved with this part of the Constitution. You are confusing citizenship with where you live. You can be a citizen of the United States and live in another country. This is why the requirement for residency was put into this part of the Constitution as a requirement for being POTUS.

To be a natural born citizen means that you must be born on American soil of some kind. This can be one of the fifty states or in an American territory. For instance, John ...

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