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Research Proposal

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Hi - I am having a little trouble answering/understanding the below questions for my research proposal. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks!! :)

RESEARCH QUESTION: What is the relationship between socioeconomic levels and child abuse?

1.Will participants be clearly and fully informed of the purpose of the research study?

*I am not sure if this answer should be yes, due to the nature of the question, but don't know if ethically I am unable to inform them.....

2. What will be the primary and secondary variables investigated?

*I know the Independent Variable (IV) is socioeconomic status because this factor may vary, and the dependent variable is the child abuse. And that the variables are categorical. I think I am trying to determine a correlation/or relationship (are these different?) between these factors. Is socioeconomic status secondary and child abuse primary??

3. What will be the stated statistical research question (primary and secondary)? why?

4. In what way will this research focus on improvement, from the perspective of service users?

*I am not sure, are the service users individuals who would use this research to facilitate changes from the data recieved?

5. Have other studies been done in this area? If yes, which?

* For this, would i just google this with socioeconomic status and child abuse and then cite the studies?

6. What are the specific questions you will ask to address the main question?
*Unsure if the question I ask should be geared towards jobs, career levels, education,etc.....

Thanks Again!!

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This solution provided suggestions on how to write up a research proposal.

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1.Will participants be clearly and fully informed of the purpose of the research study?

Yes, the participants will have a clear understanding and are fully informed of the purpose of the research study. As the researcher, I will let them know about the study in detail by means of giving them a consent form before asking them questions off the survey. This gives them the option of whether or not to participate, and to will give them opportunities to ask questions upon reading the form.

2. What will be the primary and secondary variables investigated?

The independent variable is child abuse due to it increasing or decreasing amongst class. However, socioeconomic status will vary, and is dependent upon the level of class, such as rich, middle, ...

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