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Human Services Workers and Providers

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1. Discuss the role of human service workers and their challenges as both advocates for the individual and change agents for those policies or conditions that led to the situation or crisis.

2. Explore how our culture rewards or views the human service providers and the challenges these professionals face as both advocates for services and employees of service providers. If possible, support your answer with real world/work experiences (200-300 words).

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By addressing the questions, this solution explores aspects of human services. Examples and references are provided.

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Let's take a closer look through discussion and examples:


1. Discuss the role of human service workers and their challenges as both advocates for the individual and change agents for those policies or conditions that led to the situation or crisis.

As advocates, providers intercede for or speak on behalf of their patient on various issues, such as getting essential treatment at an affordable costs or by referring patients to appropriate social service agencies and complete the . Advocacy for a patient is only fair is it is if it would be appropriate for others to advocate for other patients in a similar situation (http://books.google.ca/books?id=xSahhLUShA4C&pg=PA50&lpg=PA50&dq=service+providers+have+advocate+for+patients&source=bl&ots=ErHQCfNfFj&sig=QQuZNB45mHZJ0rHNlfc1Q_mtHiM&hl=en&ei=GWZTSu28M4P0Nayr4OII&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10).

For example, nurses are an excellent example of change agents, but yet there are still educational and policy barriers to address. According to Ortner and Cohn (2004), for example, environmental health issues continue to dominate the policy agenda. They point out that position of nurses, who are indeed the first or only point of contact for many patients in underserved communities, where they are well positioned to advocate for a healthier environment. However, to do this, things need to change. For example, the development of excellent databases for nurses to learn about environmental health issues and develop competencies provides an opportunity for those wishing to be change agents. Nevertheless, these authors recognize the gap that exists for nurses wishing to learn about environmental health nursing advocacy. For example, some policy changes have occurred with a program, The Nurse and the Environment: Tools for Action (NETFA), was initiated in 2003 and includes information about the nurse's advocacy role in ...

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