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Jung and Adler

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Carl Jung and Alfred Adler
1) Using Jung's theoretical concepts and stages, what is Bob's attitude according to Jungian theory? How do we know this?
2 What is Bob's superior function according to Jungian theory? How do we know this?
3) What are archetypes? In what level of consciousness are they contained, according to Jung's theory? What archetype has Bob been influenced by? How do we know this? How does it influence his behavior?
4) Using Adler's theory of individual psychology, what evidence is there that Martin had feelings of inferiority?
5) According to Adler's theory, how did feelings of inferiority influence Martin's behavior? What influence did these beliefs of inferiority have on his striving for superiority?
6) What did Adler say about birth order that would apply to Martin's life?

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Carl Jung and Alfred Adler
1) Using Jung's theoretical concepts and stages, what is Bob's attitude according to Jungian theory? How do we know this?
2 What is Bob's superior function according to Jungian theory? How do we know this?
3) What are archetypes? In what level of consciousness are they contained, according to Jung's theory? What archetype has Bob been influenced by? How do we know this? How does it influence his behavior?
4) Using Adler's theory of individual psychology, what evidence is there that Martin had feelings of inferiority?
5) According to Adler's theory, how did feelings of inferiority influence Martin's behavior? What influence did these beliefs of inferiority have on his striving for superiority?
6) What did Adler say about birth order that would apply to Martin's life?
From Case study 3 (Rainbolt, 2010), we find that Bob is a 56 year old Irish-American "fortune teller" that makes his living off of reading Tarot cards and laying on hands. At the age of 40, bob started having seizures. He was diagnosed with simple seizures and prescribed medication to control the seizures. Bob avoids taking his medication because it gives him headaches and stomach aches, and he is afraid that he will lose some of his psychic abilities.
Jung's Attitudes
One of the first things that Jung developed was the general attitude type, which was based upon his general psychological types. According to Jung, an attitude is a "person's predisposition to behave in a particular way" Luttrell (2009). He states according to Luttrell, that there are basically two opposing attitudes: introversion and extroversion. These two attitude always are working in opposition to each other, yet also contain complementary forces, thus they are often symbolized by the yin and yang symbol. An introvert is always aware of his inner world. While the external world is somewhat perceived, it is not thought of as serious, but as a movement inward of psychic energy. An introverted attitude is concerned only with subjective appraisal, and nearly always gives avid consideration to fantasies and dreams. The extrovert, in comparison is almost always characterized by the outward movement of the individual's psychic energy. This type of attitude places more importance on objectivity and gains more influence from the points of the surrounding environment than by what they considered as "inner cognitive processes." Very often people may carry qualities of both attitudes, considering both subjective and objective information.
Bob's Attitude ...

Solution provided by:
  • PhD (Candidate)-ABD, Northcentral University
  • MA, Northcentral University
  • MBA, City University of Seattle
  • BSc, University of the State of New York (Excelsior College)
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