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Leadership Traits

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This posting brainstorms traits of an effective leader.

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As you discuss the profile that one would prefer to see in a superior leader and why, please allow some of these ideas to guide you:

First, effective leaders should exhibit self discipline, reliability, capability, trustworthiness and motivation. They should be positive, charismatic, energetic, and inspiring. They need to be motivational and inspirational in order for others to want to follow and emulate them. In addition, please also consider profiles that generate optimism and spunk.

Like Oprah, a leader's personality should also be contagious, energetic, people-oriented, and dynamic to strongly influence, impact, and inspire others to take actions or work to their fullest potentials. Thus, there also should be a ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS , Slippery Rock University
  • MA, Slippery Rock University
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