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Neglected Children

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What are neglected children? What causes children to be neglected by their peers? Discuss the characteristics of neglected children and the causal theories that attempt to explain how these characteristics impact peer relations.

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This solution sketches the main characteristics of neglected children and looks at the causal link between the characteristics of neglected children and their peer relations. Provides empirical evidence.

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Interesting question! Let's take a closer look through discussion, example and research.

1. What are neglected children? What causes children to be neglected by their peers? Discuss the characteristics of neglected children and the causal theories that attempt to explain how these characteristics impact peer relations.

Neglected children are those who are largely ignored by peers, and often by their teachers as well. Their predominant characteristic is "isolate behaviours." They are quite inept in social interactions with peers. They have difficultly persuading others. Often they respond inappropriately to other's initiatives.

Characteristics of the neglected child:

1. Isolated from peers. Plays alone and often retreats when peers approach.
2. Shy. Many but not all exhibits reticence and ...

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