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Interpersonal Neurobiology and Brofenbrenner's Theory

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Using the following articles on interpersonal neurobiology, being wired for connection, and Bronfenbrenner's theory, can you assist me with the following questions:

- Why is it essential to consider the biological, relational, familial, community, cultural, and societal influences when assessing and counseling children and adolescents?

- How can interpersonal neurobiology that speaks to early experiences in relationships help to assess for more or less risk for problems in childhood, adolescence, and later in life?

- What are some of the ways that a counsellor may consider each of these systems and how they influence the child or adolescent (and indeed the family), how they relate to one another, and how they may inform decisions about methods, techniques to use, and goals?

Here are the articles:

Fishbane, M. D. (2007), Wired to Connect: Neuroscience, Relationships, and Therapy. Family Process, 46: 395-412. doi: 10.1111/j.1545-5300.2007.00219.x

Siegel, D. J. (2001), Toward an interpersonal neurobiology of the developing mind: Attachment relationships, "mindsight," and neural integration. Infant Ment. Health J., 22: 67-94. doi: 10.1002/1097-0355(200101/04)22:1<67::AID-IMHJ3>3.0.CO;2-G

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Solution Summary

This solution discusses interpersonal neurobiology in the context of Bronfenbrenner's Ecological theory of human development.

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•Why is it essential to consider the biological, relational, familial, community, cultural, and societal influences when assessing and counseling children and adolescents?

Ecological theory "suggests that process models of development have no universality; rather, they must be framed within the limits of a cultural and historical context. For instance, Brofenbenner (1979) viewed human development from an ecological perspective focused on the relationships between individuals, the person-environments and context levels as developmental influences. Neuronal circuits are wired through a combination of nature and nurture, genetics and experience. The human brain has billions of neurons, each with up to thousands of connections. According to Fishbane (2007) the kind of parenting we receive as children, the nature of these relationships throughout life is based on changes in the brain. Siegel (1999) explains this as the impact that social relationships have on our brain. Further, Siegel suggests that nature and nurture are mutually recursive. Thus as he notes, relational factors helps to highlight experiences that helps to shape our lives. Further, according to Fishbane, the relational nature of the person and of development as expressed with regard to interpersonal neurobiology is similar to the relational view of many theories of human interpersonal relationships. For instance, Fishbane notes that therapists regularly struggle with the tension between change and stability in working with clients. Family therapy is devoted to bringing about awareness and change focused on change and ways to overcome client's ...

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