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Stress and Deadlines

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You are currently an associate at an advertising agency where you have worked for two years. You are pursuing a promotion to the position of advertising executive. While you have expected to put in extra hours and some added responsibility as part of earning the promotion, your boss has increased your workload significantly, including some projects which had been assigned to other associates. You have more deadlines than you think you can meet plus the creative pressure of creating new and innovative material for your campaigns.

 Answer each of the following questions:
1. What steps of the general adaptation syndrome will I experience?
2. What emotional and cognitive effects might this stressor produce?
3. If this stress continues, how might it affect my health?
4. How might I resolve this situation effectively to reduce my stress?

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Solution Summary

You are currently an associate at an advertising agency where you have worked for two years. You are pursuing a promotion to the position of advertising executive. While you have expected to put in extra hours and some added responsibility as part of earning the promotion, your boss has increased your workload significantly, including some projects which had been assigned to other associates. You have more deadlines than you think you can meet plus the creative pressure of creating new and innovative material for your campaigns.

 Answer each of the following questions:
1. What steps of the general adaptation syndrome will I experience?
2. What emotional and cognitive effects might this stressor produce?
3. If this stress continues, how might it affect my health?
4. How might I resolve this situation effectively to reduce my stress?

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Dear student:

I enjoyed assisting. The following addresses your questions and a reference link is provided to assist in expanding your knowledge in this area.

Thank you.

1. What steps of the general adaptation syndrome will I experience?

The first step is the alarm phase. This is where the individual reacts to the added workload. This workload creates a stress factor. The factor places the individual in the think mode and this mode takes the individual to the resistance step. Step two is where the individual builds up a resistance to the extra workload starts to adapt to change. The last step is the ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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