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Apology Statutes Applied to Medical Cases

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Provide detailed explanation of whether apology statutes apply to medical injury/death cases.

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This solution explains how apology statutes apply to medical cases of death and injury. It explains how these laws work in various states and relates them to the rising number of malpractice law suits in the United States.

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The discussion of this question covers a broad spectrum of perspectives, and thereby can result in varying analyses.

From a medical perspective, the AMA Principles of Ethics states in its preamble, "...As a member of this profession, a physician must recognize responsibility to patients first and foremost, as well as to society, to other health professionals, and to self..." (http://www.ama-assn.org) Therefore, it can be interpreted to mean that the medical profession has an obligation to the patient from both an ethical and moral standard to effectively disclose all that has occurred. However, this position presents a delicate balance between ethical and moral behavior and legal protection. Which does the physician serve? Himself? The patient or society? Does the physician/medical facility ...

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