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Effective communication to a teamwork project

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Your department was just given a new project to pilot and rollout to your organization. The project involves assembling a cross-organizational team that will be given the responsibility for reviewing different payroll systems that Faraday Enterprises can use, and choosing the best payroll system to implement.
You've chosen Jack, a salaried employee and Project Manager, to lead this effort. His responsibilities will be to assemble the team, identify potential software products, test them, evaluate the performance, and make recommendations for implementation based on team consensus.
While you know Jack is the perfect choice to lead this project, you also know that he will be surprised you have picked him and that he might lack the confidence to manage this project successfully.
Knowing what you do about "the self-fulfilling prophecy" and â??expectancy theoryâ? and the effects on Jack's behavior, write a memo introducing him to the project and the role he will play. Be sure to build into your memo information that will help Jack correctly understand his job expectations, and convey your confidence in him that he will succeed in leading this project.
As part of your memo, make sure to address two of the following three mental strategies and shortcuts and how they may affect the group's decision in a negative way.
â?¢ The availability heuristic
â?¢ The representativeness heuristic
â?¢ The anchoring and adjustment heuristic
Finally, identify for Jack two or more ways in which he could improve his thinking and his group's decisions so they arrive at the best possible outcome for their project. Be sure to use APA writing style and reference notationâ?"including citations in your written text. Your final product should be approximately 2 to 3 pages long.

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Step instructions on how to create a teamwork project

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I think for the final product the first two pages should be your outtake and understanding of the self-fulfilling prophecy and expectancy theory. Mention some positive and negative results of them.
The easiest way to go about writing the memo for you is to first start out by defining the key terms; the self-fulfilling prophecy and expectancy theory;
How his views and thinking ...

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