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Personality Theories

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There are various theories that address the development of personality.
Part 1:
Study the section in your text on personality, and research the Internet and library to learn more about personality theories. For this discussion question, do the following:
â?¢ Choose a theory that you think provides the best explanation of how personality develops in an individual.
â?¢ Explain how that theory addresses personality development from childhood to adult.
Part 2:
Study the personality disorders discussed in your text. Choose one specific personality disorder to study. Post the following information about the disorder that you have chosen.
Describe the symptoms commonly associated with this disorder according to the DSM-IV. How do the behaviors associated with this disorder differ from similar behaviors considered normal in American culture? Finally, discuss ways in which this disorder is treated. Do not discuss personal experience and do not use a disorder you have or found in your family. Use your own words and reference the text and other Library sources to support your answers. Use appropriate citation and documentation

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The solution provides assistance, information and advice on the topic of personality theories (see above for full problem details).

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Personality Theory:

There are a number of psychologists who have tried to explain the development of personalities in different individuals through the different theories they put forward. Sigmund Freud Psychoanalytic Theory is an example of the personality theories that explains the basic concepts of psychosexual development stages. Another example is the theory of Erik Erickson's Psychosocial Crisis who views development of ego (in Freud's theory) in eight psychosocial crises. The theory Whitbourne's Identity Style that views an individual's way of identity style as their way of responding to situations they face in life. The theory of Levinson's Life Structure is a theory that approaches the development of adult's personality by defining a coherent relationship between an individual's goals and the role they play in the different arenas of their life, etc ( Thomas & Segal, 2006). These examples of theories all try to explain the development of personalities in human.

One theory that thoroughly explains the development of personalities in individuals is the Erik Erickson's Psychosocial Crisis Theory. According to Erickson for individual to grow a healthy personality correct solution should be administered in the all of the eight stages that he describes. ...

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