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Working with children and young people

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What do children and young people usually present with when accessing psychological services?

What Psychological problems are there in childhood and adolescence? What is the nature of child mental health problems?

What is the Prevalence of children and young people's psychological problems?

Including Autism, Aspergers, ADHD, Eating disorders

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Clinical psychologists carryout a range of work with children including assessment, treatment, consultation, research and training. Clinical child psychologists work with parents, other family members, and other professionals as well as the child so they need to draw on knowledge and experience of adult as well as child psychology.

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Working with children and young people - what problems do children present to services with?

Clinical psychologists carryout a range of work with children including assessment, treatment, consultation, research and training. Clinical child psychologists work with parents, other family members, and other professionals as well as the child so they need to draw on knowledge and experience of adult as well as child psychology.

Psychological problems in childhood and adolescence
Typically referrals are made by GP's, social workers, health visitors and paediatricians. Those children whose parents do seek psychological or psychiatric help have been found to have parents who are more anxious about the problem and perceive them as more worrying than parents whose children have similar problems but do not seek help. This suggests that parent characteristics rather than child characteristics determine whether a troubled child is referred.

Prevalence of children's psychological problems
Many children and young people experience difficulties in behaviour, feelings, or relationships. In addition some children are slow to acquire certain abilities such as bladder control or learning to read and this can cause ...

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