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    MLA Quiz Part II

    This quiz provides additional support for students in their second or third year of college who need to proficiency in MLA formatting for writing courses.


    It isn’t necessary to get permission from the writer of an email message or of a post to a discussion list before quoting or excerpting from it because it is public information. This same rule applies to email messages that are not addressed personally to you as well.


    MLA requires that following the quotation or summary you provide the author’s last name and page number in parentheses, unless that information is given in the text.


    If you name the author before the quotation, paraphrase, or summary, you should put only the page number in parentheses afterward.


    If there is no page number, (as is true with some material on the web) you cannot use one, regardless of whether a hardcopy of the text contains page numbers.


    If there is more than one author with the same last name in the citations list, identify the author of the text cited by using their first names in your text or putting the last initial after the first name in parentheses.


    If there is more than one work by the same author in the list of works cited, use a detailed, descriptive title to refer to the work cited in your text.


    If there is more than one source by a single author, alphabetize by the first word in the title (other than a, an, or the), and after the first entry replace the author’s name with three hyphens.


    If there are more than four authors, either name the first and second authors and add et al. or list all authors.


    When citing an email message, include in the citation whatever is available of the following information: writer, subject line heading in quotation marks, Message as descriptor, the recipient name, date of message, and E-mail as a medium.