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Creation and God

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Author and seminary professor John S. Feinberg states that "Naturalistic evolutionists claim that the origin and development of the universe can be explained in entirely natural terms in virtue of purely natural laws operating over natural phenomena. Feinberg quotes Richard Dawkins who said, "Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist." This is not to say that all evolutionists are atheists, but only that according to evolution, a full explanation of our universe is possible without including God.

1.) Do you agree with Feinberg that the origin and development of the universe can be explained in entirely natural terms in virtue of purely natural laws operating over natural phenomena? Please elaborate a bit.

2.) Do you think evolutionists can be Christians (in regards to not all evolutionists are atheists)?

3.) What are your brief thoughts about evolutionists claiming to have a full explanation of our universe without including God?

4.) How could a believer apply this subject to their personal, practical, and ministry work?

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This solution provides a discussion of the various perspectives on evolution and faith.

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This is a very interesting topic. As your professor is looking for your opinion and I do not know your thoughts on this topic, I will guide you to the broad discussion in this area.

1. Question one is your belief of how the earth and its inhabitants was created. In other words, do you believe in the "old" earth theory which is mainly supported by scientists and empirical evidence or do you believe in the "new" earth theory which is the traditional conservative Christian position (that is if you use the Bible literally as a science book, and calculate the age of the earth )

- As well, based on the wording of your assignment question: "the universe can be explained in ENTIRELY natural terms" , it seems your professor is asking if you are an evolutionist or not?

- In your answer, consider the various positions, Theistic Evolutionist, Evolutionist, Creationist. I am not sure ...

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