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Databases and Information Gathering

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I hope you can help me out with this. Thanks do much.

1. What non-electronic databases (such as lists, calendars, phone directories, address books) do you use regularly?
2. What electronic databases do you use?
3. How have you seen these applications used in your organization? Give examples.

Word processing
Spread Sheet
Think of a brief cohort of people that you would want to create a database for. Come up with the fields and data that you would need in order to get the best information for your study design. Give your best hypothesis of what you think you would find out.

For example, perhaps you wanted to study women between the ages of 18-35 and their attendance at a gym, and the corresponding effect on their mood, before and after their workout. You would collect: Name, age, marital status, children or not, working or not, time of day, date of workout, smoker or not. I would have the women fill out a 5 point rating scale, rating from 1-5 (with 5 being the highest) the mood they were in. Compare it to before and after.

Then for a hypothesis - According to data, I would expect the the moods would be better after the workout. I would expect that married women had better moods regardless, I would expect that those who worked out earlier in the day would have better moods in general. I would be excited to see if mothers fared better or not, whether working outside the home increased mood, and whether smokers had slightly worse moods, with their nicotine use.

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Solution Summary

The solution provides answers and a sample database table based on the problems presented (see original problem). The use of electronic and non-electronic database is explained from a professional viewpoint particularly applications and databases that are used regularly for particular purposes. The solution is in 2 parts. 1 is in the form of a concise APA-format essay answering the questions originally posted . 2 provides a sample questionnaire/table that can generate a database based on a proposed hypothesis (which is also included). The table questionnaire can be found in the word file attachment.References are listed for expansion.

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Dear Student,
Hello. The sample below should get you started. It's in 2 parts. 1 answers the questions you indicated concisely. 2 provides a sample questionnaire that ought to create a manual database for you. Good luck!
Use the word version to access the suggested table.I decided to use a retail situation for part 2 to make it easier for you.
OTA 105878/Xenia Jones

Non-Electronic Databases

At work, I regularly input manually the receipt number of printed out receipts which needed the signature of the card owner when the card owner chooses to use a debit/credit card when paying for goods over the counter of the store. While there is a digital input as the purchase goes through the Point-of-Sale system, part of the security procedure of the purchase itself requires the signature of the card owner. The client receives one copy, we receive one copy which we attach to the receipt set received for a certain working day - this is part of our financial processing procedure. Also, when ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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