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Social Initiatives: NCLB & Medicare

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For the No Child Left Behind Law and Medicare, provide the purpose of the initiative; analyze the program's effectiveness; and list ways in which the programs could be more effective.

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The solution provides assistance and insight to the student in tackling the problem set in the original posting (see above). It explains the initiatives No Child Left Behind and Medicare and looks into their effectiveness as well as areas of possible improvement.

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The broad answer to the first part of your question is that the purpose of NCLB and Medicare is social reform. NCLB was intended to create educational equality for all children. Medicare was intended to help senior citizens get decent health care. There is tremendous history surrounding both policies. They are very different. However, if you focus on social reform you might be able to manage.

I am going to give you some advice that most people in higher education would oppose, but in this case I think it would be helpful. Go to Wikipedia and look up both topics. NEVER cite Wikipedia or take it as absolute fact. Instead, read through the history so you can get a general understanding and then go to the resources at the bottom and follow them. On topics like this, I like to read a quick overview to give me ideas. Again, NEVER use Wikipedia as your main or trusted source on anything. Do use it as a jumping off point when you need ideas.

Now, I'm going to divide your question into workable pieces so I can give you the resources I ...

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