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ANOVA for RENAL for data

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Having difficulty with this exercise. I need to do the following using the attached SPSS file.

1) One Sample t-test

- Using "Length of Stay" as the test variable, conduct a hypothesis test on whether the average length of stay is 14 days.

- What are the steps to running this in SPSS? (I need to have the output)

- State the hypothesis to be tested.

- State the reject / not reject decision and conclusion.

2) Independent Samples t-test

- Choose any scale variable and any nominal variable with two levels from the RENAL.sav file (e.g., "Gender", "Diabetes", "Alive", "Bypass", etc.).

- What are the steps to running this in SPSS? (I need to have the output)

- Conduct an Independent Samples t-test on the scale variable with the nominal variable as a grouping variable.

- State the hypothesis to be tested.

- Test for the equality of variances (i.e. Levene's test).

- State the reject / not reject decision and conclusion.

3) One-Way ANOVA

- Create a new variable AGE3 in which ages from 0-59 are recoded as 1, ages 60-69 are recoded as 2, and ages 70 and older are recoded as 3.

- Choose any scale variable from the RENAL.sav file.

- Conduct a One-Way ANOVA on the scale variable with AGE3 as a factor.

- Use the Bonferroni Post Hoc test as appropriate.

- Copy and paste the output in a Word processor in RTF format - What are the steps to running this in SPSS? (I need to have the output)

- State the hypothesis to be tested.

- State the reject / not reject decision and conclusion.

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Solution Summary

The solution provides step by step method for the calculation of test statistic for the renal data set for the book SPSS 13. 0 Guide to Data Analysis by Marija Norusis. Formula for the calculation and Interpretations of the results are also included.

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