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Statistics - Convenience Sampling, ANOVA Analysis

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I will be conducting a convenience sample, using an electronic survey. The target population consists of approximately 143 faculty members. I will be using descriptive stats and an ANOVA analysis to measure the differences of group means (age, tenure, gender) to organizational resistance. I need to write my setting and sample in terms of how many participants I will survey in my convenience sample. I used a formula to calculate the number needed - my instructor told me that was not needed for a nonprobability convenience sample.

QUESTION: How do I write a justification for how many participants that I will survey? Do I say 20% of the approx number of 143 (i.e. 28 participants) will be included and stop the survey at that number?

Does ANOVA require a certain number of participants, or are there percentages of the target population that I should aim for for a convenience sample?

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The solution provides an ANOVA analysis and convenience sampling.

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I think the reason you're having trouble finding an answer to this question is that there is no simple, consistent rule. Generally, it's best to get as big a sample as possible. That's true for any study (in the vast majority of cases, the bigger the sample, the more likely it is to be truly representative of your population), but it's especially true in survey work. The reason for that is that surveys are notorious for having a low response rate, meaning that many of the people you contact for the survey won't ...

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