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Swapping X and Y Values to Calculate the Correlation Coefficient r

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Row 1 - Row 2
20 - 127
24 - 113
31 - 185
48 - 121
51 - 124
69 - 111
77 - 129

a) Calculate the correlation coefficient r, letting Row 1 represent the x-values and Row 2 represent the y-values.(round to three decimal places as needed)

b) Calculate the correlation coefficient r, letting Row 2 represent the x-values and Row 1 represent the y-values.
(round to three decimal places as needed)

c) What effect does switching the variables have on the correlation effect?
The correlation coefficient (choose one: remains unchanged, increases, decreases, changes sign) when the x-values and y-values are switched.

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The expert examines swapping X and Y values to calculate the correlation coefficient r's.

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Hi there,

Thanks for letting me work on your post.

Mean of x=(20+24+31+48+51+69+77)/7=45.71429
Mean of ...

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