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Prepare an analysis for Piggybank that compares the two incentive options

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DETAILS: Prepare an analysis (NOT in the ppt format) for Piggybank that compares the two incentive options:
A. cash back when the consumer makes an online purchase, and
B. cash back when the consumer makes a purchase at a clothing store.

See the attached pdf file and use the statistical information data from 2004 2nd quarter in Table 1 (at the bottom of the table).

The work must include a recommendation for one option and the data and analysis that support the recommendation. The following should be included:
1. statement of the research question
2. data presented as charts and graphs
3. conclusions and recommendations

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Statement of the research question:

Piggybank can give more incentive for online purchase as there is a significantly high rate of growth for online purchase

Statistical Analysis

1. Trend Line for E Commerce Sales
Sales = 5373e0.0609t
t denote the time ...

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