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Hypothesis Testing: Intrinsic & Extrinsic Job satisfaction

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Using AIU's survey responses from the AIU data set, complete the following requirements in the form of a report:
Perform a two-tailed hypothesis test on the intrinsic variable AND a two-tailed hypothesis test on the extrinsic variable's data using a .05 significance level.
Begin by creating a null and an alternate statement. Use Microsoft Excel to process your data. Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word. Identify the significance level, the test statistic and the critical value. State whether you are rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis statement. Repeat the steps for the 2nd two-tailed hypothesis test.
In a separate paragraph, provide some information on when to use a t-test and when to use a z-test and why. Also, provide some information about why samples are used instead of populations.
The report should be well written and should flow well with no grammatical errors. It should include proper citation in APA formatting in both the in-text and reference pages and include a title page, be double-spaced and in Times New Roman, 12-point font. APA formatting is necessary to ensure academic honesty.
For more information on using Excel, please visit the Excel Lab.
Be sure to provide references in APA format for any resource you may use.
Please submit your assignment.
Sunday, Jun 27, 2010
? Compute mean, median, mode for a set of data.
? Formulate null and alternative hypotheses for applications involving a single population mean, proportion, or variance.
? Use effective communication techniques.
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The assignment is a hypothesis test for a single population mean of a quantitative variable equal to a given number (Chapter 8). This is to be done twice. Test the hypothesis that the population mean of the intrinsic is equal to 5 or not. then separately test the hypothesis that the population mean of the extrinsic is equal to 5 or not. Use all 25 data rows for each! Since n<30, use a t statistic! For this and any hypothesis test, I want you to number the five steps as in the book. Please provide the following summary table.
Intrinsic Extrinsic
Null and Alternative Hypotheses H0: &#956; = 5
H1: &#956; &#8800;5 H0: &#956; = 5
H1: &#956; &#8800;5
Significance Level
Degrees of freedom
Critical Value(s) &#945;=0.05
tcrit(s)= &#945;=0.05
Sample mean and
Standard deviation
Test Value xbar=
t= xbar=
Write this as a coherent integrated report in Word with an introduction, description of methods, results, interpretation of results, and conclusion, with references

See attached files.

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Solution Summary

The solution provides step by step method for the calculation of test statistic for the comparison of population mean. The solution also provides information on when to use a t-test and when to use a z-test and why samples are used instead of populations. Formula for the calculation and Interpretations of the results are also included. Interactive excel sheet is included. The user can edit the inputs and obtain the complete results for a new set of data.

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