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Hypothesis testing problems

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Need help setting up the problem. I understand the mechanics of the problem, I am having trouble setting up P1 and P2 based on the 2 way table (established from the data).

A market research consultant hired by the Pepsi-Cola Co is interested in determining whether there is a difference between the portions of female and male consumers who favor Pepsi Cola over Coke Classic in a particular urban location. A random sample of 250 consumers from the market under investigation is provided in the file PepsiCoke.xls

a. Separate the 250 random samples by gender, perform a statistical test to determine if there is a difference at the alpha = .10 level.

b. Marketing managers at the Pepsi-Cola company have asked their market research consultant to explore further the potential differences in the portions of women and men who prefer drinking Pepsi to coke Classic. Specifically, Pepsi managers would like to know whether the potential difference between the portions of female and male consumers who favor Pepsi varies by age of the consumer. As such, assess whether this difference varies across the four given age categories. Employ a 10% significance level.

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Solution Summary

Step by step method for testing the hypothesis under 5 step approach is discussed here. Excel template for each problem is also included. This template can be used to obtain the answers of similar problems.

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