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Null hypothesis or research hypothesis

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Research Design Considerations

a. Describe some of the issues or concerns (at least three) which would be addressed in deciding how to perform a statistical test of a hypothesis:

b. As an Argosy student, you are designing a training program to help develop team cohesiveness in a healthcare facility. You have a before and after test which measures behaviors indicating team cohesiveness. For this scenario, match the appropriate hypothesis symbol to the statements/examples below: Place an 'N' in front of those items representing the Null hypothesis and an 'R' in front of those items representing the Research Hypothesis

_____ H1
_____ There is no significant difference in the teaming behavior before and after the training.
_____ H0
_____ There is a significant difference in the teaming behavior before and after the training.

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The expert examines the null hypothesis for research hypothesis'.

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a. Some of the concerns that you would address in deciding how to perform a statistical test include:
- whether the samples ...

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