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Descriptive, historical, correlational, experimental methods

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Differentiate descriptive, historical, correlational, and experimental research methods.

Provide clear definitions of each.

Use examples that point out the factors that make each unique. Provide detailed literature support for your answers. I am looking for at least of 2 pages of quality work with complete references. Thank you.

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This posting looks at 4 research methodologies. It defines each one, and provides examples to illustrate each method. There are also links for further research and readings provided after every method.

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I will explain each one at a a time, but I will start off with experimental research methods

This is when a researcher wants to scientifically study a phenomena. There are various steps in setting up an experiment; here are the key points:

- the researcher needs to identify a variable that they want to test.
- they need to randomly assign individuals to two groups: a control group which does not receive any treatment; an experimental group that receives the treatment (the variable that is being test).
- they set up hypothesis to test their theory
- the experimenter then will test both groups in a similar way
- after the test, the experimenter will examine the results of both groups to see if there is a significant difference between the groups. If there is, it might be attributed to the variable in question.

Some of the key elements of experimental is that the researcher is able to manipulate a variable, that they can randomly select individuals to be part of their research. As you will see, this differs from the other methodologies, as it makes it more scientific and statistically sound in ...

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