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Regression analysis between contruction work fatalities and number of unemployed in the state

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A highway employee performed a regression analysis of the relationship between the number of construction work-zone fatalities and the number of unemployed people in a state. The regression equation is Fatalities _ 12.7 _ 0.000114 (Unemp). Some additional output is:

Predictor Coef SE Coef T P
Constant 12.726 8.115 1.57 0.134
Unemp 0.00011386 0.00002896 3.93 0.001
Analysis of Variance
Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 1 10354 10354 15.46 0.001
Residual Error 18 12054 670
Total 19 22408

a. How many states were in the sample?
b. Determine the standard error of estimate.
c. Determine the coefficient of determination.
d. Determine the coefficient of correlation.
e. At the .05 significance level does the evidence suggest there is a positive association between fatalities and the number unemployed?

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a. How many states were in the sample?
19 + 1 = 20

b. Determine the standard error of estimate.
Predictor Coef SE
Constant 12.726 8.115
Unemp ...

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