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Hypothesis Testing: Two sample Z & t test

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"Salaries" and instruction below.

Large Sample Case
Select the Tools pull-down menu
Choose Data Analysis
When Data Analysis dialog box appears:
Choose z-Test:Two Sample for Means
Click Ok

When the z-Test: Two Sample for Means dialog box appears:
Enter B1:B115 in the Variable 1 Range box
Enter C1:C115 in the Variable 2 Range box
Enter 0 in the Hypotesized Mean Difference box
Enter k in the Variable 1 Variance box (you must use another program to calculate the variance first -replace k with the value)
Enter m in the Variable 2 Variance box (you must use another program to calculate the variance first -rplace m with it)
Select Labels
Enter .05 in the Alpha box
Select Output Range and Enter D1 in the box
Click Ok.

Please see attached file.
"Textbooks" and instruction below.

Select the Tools pool-down menu
Choose Data Analysis
When Data Analysis dialog box appears:
Choose t-Test: Two Sample Assuming Equal Variances
Click OK

When the t-Test: Two Sample Assuming Equal Variances dialog box appears:
Enter A1:A16 in the Variablee 1 Range box
Enter B1:B16 in the Variable 2 range box
Enter 0 in the Hypothesized Mean Difference box
Select Labels
Enter .05 in the Aplha box
Select Output Range and enter C1 in the box
Click OK

Please use Excel 2003.

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Solution Summary

The solution provides step by step method for the calculation of testing of hypothesis in excel.

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