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Independent Sample T Test for Mean of Lying Down

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Time (minutes per day) spent in 3 different postures by lean and obese subjects:

Group Subject Stand/walk Sit Lie
Lean 1 511.100 370.300 555.500
Lean 2 607.925 374.512 450.650
Lean 3 319.212 582.138 537.362
Lean 4 584.644 357.144 489.269
Lean 5 578.869 348.994 514.081
Lean 6 543.388 385.312 506.500
Lean 7 677.188 268.188 467.700
Lean 8 555.656 322.219 567.006
Lean 9 374.831 537.031 531.431
Lean 10 504.700 528.838 396.962
Obese 11 260.244 646.281 521.044
Obese 12 464.756 456.644 514.931
Obese 13 367.138 578.662 563.300
Obese 14 413.667 463.333 532.208
Obese 15 347.375 567.556 504.931
Obese 16 416.531 567.556 448.856
Obese 17 358.650 621.262 460.550
Obese 18 267.344 646.181 509.981
Obese 19 410.631 572.769 448.706
Obese 20 426.356 591.369 412.919

From previous examples it has been concluded that mildly obese people spend less time standing and walking (on average) than lean people. Is there a significant difference between the mean times the two groups spend lying down?

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Solution Summary

Step by step method for computing test statistic for independent sample t test is given in the answer.

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