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T test for the usage for cable television and radio.

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In recent years, a growing array of entertainment option competes for consumer time. By 2004, cable television and radio surpassed broadcast television, recorded music, and the daily newspaper to become the two entertainment media with the greatest usage. Researchers used a sample of 15 individuals and collected data on the hours per week spent watching cable television and hours per week spent listening to the radio.

a. Use a .05 level of significance and test for a difference between the population mean usage for cable television and radio. What is the p-value?

b. What is the sample mean number of hours per week spent watching cable television? What is the sample mean number of hours per week spent listening to radio? Which medium has the greater usage?

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Step by step method for testing the hypothesis under 5 step approach is discussed here. Excel template for each problem is also included. This template can be used to obtain the answers of similar problems.

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Statistics: Comparisons Involving Means

In recent years, a growing array of entertainment option competes for consumer time. By 2004, cable television and radio surpassed broadcast television, recorded music, and the daily newspaper to become the two entertainment media with the greatest usage. Researchers used a sample of 15 individuals and collected data on the hours per week spent watching cable television and hours per week spent listening to the radio.

a. Use a .05 level of significance and test for a difference between the populations mean usage for cable television and radio. ...

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