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Analysis of Schubert's Scherzo No. 1

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Schubert: Scherzo No.1 D593-1

Listen to this Scherzo for piano and follow the score using the link provided below. Discuss how Schubert achieves contrast between the Scherzo and the Trio. You should mention form, melody, key and texture in your answer.

It is important that you show how you derived your answer, identifying the different sections by making close reference to the score. Giving reasons for why you have decided to divide the music up in this way will lead to discussion of melody, key and texture as stipulated in the question. With reference to these elements you should consider the use of repetition, variation or development.
Your answer must focus on describing in some detail the differences between the Scherzo and the Trio.

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Solution Summary

Analysis of Schubert's Scherzo No. 1 including discussion of form, melody, key and texture

Solution Preview

In contrasting the Scherzo and the Trio sections of Schubert's D 593, No. 1, first I looked at eight measure sections to try to determine the form of the piece. Then I looked for sections that were exactly alike and also sections which were similar to each other. In doing so, I discovered that, for the most part, Schubert did follow the expected eight measure divisions, (exceptions were found in the Trio). Here is how I labeled the measures to determine form:

(1-8 A), (9-16 A1), ...

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