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Pitch labeling systems

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Please help answer the following questions.

Why do musicians that speak different languages call notes by different names?
Isn't music supposed to be a universal language?

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Solution Summary

This solution identifies common Western music pitch-labeling systems, such as English letter names and Fixed-Do. It answers the questions of whether musicians that speak different language call notes by different names, and whether music is a universal language. It goes into Western Music pitch-labeling systems, which are specific pitches written in music notation. It compares pitch-labeling systems in different languages and references Prout's 19th C. treatise on instrumentation. The explanation is given in 196 words with one reference.

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Questions: Why do musicians that speak different languages call notes by different names? Isn't music supposed to be a universal language?

Solution: Western Music pitch-labeling systems are names for specific pitches that are written in music notation (i.e. on a treble clef, bass clef, or moveable C clef), and sounded (or played) on an ...

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