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Corporate Financial Scandal

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Research a company that has been involved in a corporate financial scandal

1. Identify the company and the ethical dilemma.

2. Analyze the key elements in the situation:
a. Who benefited or was harmed? How did they benefit? How were they harmed?
b. What rights or claims were violated?
c. What specific interests were in conflict?
d. What were the responsibilities and obligations of those in leadership positions?

3. Determine what alternative methods were available to report the transaction, situation, or event.
a. Which of the alternatives was most relevant?
b. Does the report you researched accurately represent the situation it claims to describe?
c. Is the information free from bias?

4. How was the situation resolved? What were the outcomes?

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The expert analyzes the key elements in a situation. Who was benefited or harmed is given.

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1. Identify the company and the ethical dilemma.
Tyco International is the company. The dilemma was company money was being moved to people that were unauthorized to take it (theft).

2. Analyze the key elements in the situation:

a. Who benefited or was harmed? Dennis Kozlowski and Mark H. Swartz.
How did they benefit? Lots of financial gain via unauthorized bonus (about 150million dollars between them)
How were they harmed? Harmed were the shareholders, because of "cooked books", they didn't get accurate finances about the company on annual reports etc. (because of ...

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