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Job description, recruitment, assessment, interview

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Description of Best Practices Project:

? The job is 'risk manager' at a bank. Write a job description. Include appropriate specifications. This should describe what qualifications the ideal candidate should have.
? Describe how you would recruit for applicants for this position. You should consider internal as well as external candidates.
? What specific assessments would you use? Include names, sources, costs, psychometric properties and rationale. Use the internet to find tests such as through the Mental Measurements Yearbook.
? Develop a structured interview format with at least ten questions. What questions would you ask and how would the answers be weighted? Provide a rationale for each question and a sample answer for each. Develop at least two questions that are behavioral and two that are situational.
? Include at least ten specific references in the endnotes, not the footnotes, which demonstrate that you have mastered the materials in the text and assigned readings.

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Response explains the description, recruitment, assessment, interview

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Description of Best Practices Project:

The job is 'risk manager' at a bank. Write a job description. Include appropriate specifications. This should describe what qualifications the ideal candidate should have.

Let us understand first the meaning of job description.
A job is a collection of tasks and responsibilities that an employee is responsible to conduct. Job descriptions are lists of the general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position. Typically, they also include to whom the position reports, specifications such as the qualifications needed by the person in the job, salary range for the position, etc. (Managementhelp, 2009)
Job descriptions are usually developed by conducting a job analysis, which includes examining the tasks and sequences of tasks necessary to perform the job. Job description consists of two areas -- a summary of the job's responsibilities, and a list of the key duties that will be performed. Hence it helps in choosing the best candidate from a pool of applicants. (Managementhelp, 2009)

Job description- Risk Manager

Position Category: Operations
Position Title: Risk Manager (Operations)
Reporting to: Head Operational risk
Location: San Francisco
Education Required: Bachelors Degree
Experience required:
Candidate should have previous banking experience, along with risk management fundamentals, process analysis and design best practices. Experience should be of more than 3 years.

Position Description:
This role is for Risk Manager (Operations) in San Francisco, focusing on project management and risk relating to it. The focus will be on the maintenance and continuing development of the control environment and framework along with capital requirements, whilst managing risk and control activities in respect of key outsourcers. The candidate will also work closely with the Bank Operations groups as well as other stakeholders that support US bank entities. The successful candidate must also be able to analyze the commercial impact of business decisions.

Skills Required:
? Thorough understanding of bank regulations
? Understanding and knowledge of bank IT systems and vendors
? Ability to develop a set of efficient policies and well-controlled processes
? Ability ...

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