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Control in Telemarketing

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Describe at least two examples where the management function of controlling is applied or should be applied. Compare the examples you have selected in the following areas and include your recommendations as if you were the manager in charge of the control functions:

1) Privacy of personal information.

2) Accuracy and quality of information.

3) Any obligations of organizations created by the use of this information.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 1379 words with references.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 1379 words with references.

//As per the directions, we will discuss about the application of the management function of 'controlling' within an Organization. It will aid us in understanding the control in the selected activities for managing business-to-consumer strategy. You are free to add some more points, which you find suitable.//

Control in Telemarketing

Direct marketing is a kind of marketing which includes the use of consumer-direct channels to get to the customers and deliver service to them without using marketing middlemen. These channels include direct mail, telemarketing, kiosks, Websites, catalogs, interactive TV, and mobile devices. It is one of the fastest growing avenues for servicing customers.

Telemarketing is a technique of direct marketing and involves the use of telephone and call centers to attract prospective customers to buy goods or services, retain the existing customers and provide services by answering queries (questions) and taking orders. It may also include recorded sales pitches which are played over the phone through automatic dialing. It helps the companies to earn more revenue, reduce the selling costs and increase customer satisfaction. Telemarketing may be done from a call center or a company office or from home.

Call centers are used for inbound as well as outbound telemarketing. Inbound telemarketing includes receiving calls from customers while outbound telemarketing is a process of initiating calls to prospects and customers. Telemarketing can be Business-to-business (B2B) or Business-to-customer (B2C). B2B includes providing services to any organization involved in the production of any goods or marketing or providing any service. Under this, the company generally customizes its services according to the specifications of the customer and pays heed to their individual requirements while in B2C, the company provides services to individual customers or households and thus they cannot be very responsive to the individual needs of customers.

//Now, we will discuss about the kinds of telemarketing services used by the Companies. Along with this, the functions of Management will also be discussed, which will assist in analyzing the effectiveness of the control function for the ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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