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Business Relations and Communication

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Case Scenario:

You submitted what you thought was a masterful report to your boss over three weeks ago. The report analyzes current department productivity and recommends several steps that you think will improve employee output without increasing individual workloads. "Brilliant," you thought. But you haven't heard a word from your boss. Did you overstep your boundaries by making recommendations that might imply that she has not been doing a good job? Did you overwhelm her with your ideas? You'd like some feedback. In your last email to her, you asked if she had read your report. So far, you've received no reply. Then yesterday, you overheard the company vice president talk about some productivity changes in your department. The changes were ones that you had recommended in your report. Now, you're worried that your boss submitted your report to senior management and will take full credit for your terrific ideas. What, if anything, should you do?

Should you confront your boss about this? Develop a solution to this sticky situation and present it on the Discussion Board.
Explain your rationale.

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Solution Summary

Based on a case scenario, this solution explains whether or not the person should confront the boss about the issue, and then provides a rationale for the decision.

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Now, you're worried that your boss submitted your report to senior management and will take full credit for your terrific ideas. What, if anything, should you do? Should you confront your boss about this? Develop a solution to this sticky situation and present it on the Discussion Board. Explain your rationale.

Confront the boss

Since I have already e-mailed my boss once about the report and did not get a response, I would follow-up with another e-mail RE: Schedule a meeting to discuss my report and related recommendations. If she still doesn't respond I would follow-up with a phone call or go directly to her office. First, I would ask what she thought of my ...

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