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Mission statement for hospital

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Below is a comparison you did for me on May 17th with Pocahontas and Mayo Clinic at Minnesota. Please read through what you wrote and create a new mission, vision, values and goals for Pocahontas Memorial Hospital. Maybe you can somehow combine the two to make one for each. Thank you!
Mission -
Vision -
Values -
Goals -
Below is what you submitted to me on May 17th.
Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals Comparison between Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and Pocahontas
• The mission of Pocahontas Memorial Hospital is to be the community's first choice for integrated health care by hardwiring excellence through continuing education, effective collaboration and by providing exceptional customer service.
• In pursuing its mission, Pocahontas Memorial Hospital strives to:
o Be the provider of choice for health care to our communities.
o Create an environment that promotes healthy living.
o Be a key resource to promote stability in our communities.
o Be a leader in patient education, prevention and outreach.
o Promote physical, emotional and financial well-being of our communities.
• The guiding principles of Pocahontas Memorial Hospital are those principles which form the foundation on which we perform work and conduct ourselves. Our Nine Guiding Principles are:
o Principle 1: Commit to Excellence.
o Principle 2: Use Measurement to Diagnose Problems and improve Processes.
o Principle 3: Build a Culture around Service
o Principle 4: Create and Develop Leaders
o Principle 5: Focus on Employee Satisfaction
o Principle 6: Build Individual Accountability
o Principle 7: Align Behaviors with Goals and Values
o Principle 8: Communicate at All Levels
o Principle 9: Recognize and Reward Success
Mayo Clinic at Minnesota
• Mission - To inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research.
• Primary value - The needs of the patient come first.
• Value statements - These values, which guide Mayo Clinic's mission to this day, are an expression of the vision and intent of our founders, the original Mayo physicians and the Sisters of Saint Francis.
o Respect - Treat everyone in our diverse community, including patients, their families and colleagues, with dignity.
o Compassion - Provide the best care, treating patients and family members with sensitivity and empathy.
o Integrity - Adhere to the highest standards of professionalism, ethics and personal responsibility, worthy of the trust our patients place in us.
o Healing - Inspire hope and nurture the well-being of the whole person, respecting physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
o Teamwork - Value the contributions of all, blending the skills of individual staff members in unsurpassed collaboration.
o Excellence - Deliver the best outcomes and highest quality service through the dedicated effort of every team member.
o Innovation - Infuse and energize the organization, enhancing the lives of those we serve, through the creative ideas and unique talents of each employee.
o Stewardship - Sustain and reinvest in our mission and extended communities by wisely managing our human, natural and material resources.
You may notice that the Mission statements of both hospitals talk about education. As mentioned earlier, the Mayo clinic has more financial backing, so it also highlights research in its Mission. Although it's a nice thought for PMH to mention it wants to be the health system "of choice", I would not recommend that being part of their Mission statement because it is the only choice for many in the community, otherwise, it would not be a CAH facility. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to revise their Mission statement to remove that piece, but instead focus on providing the best quality of care for its customers. I like how it refers to its patients as customers by mentioning "good customer service". In addition, both health systems strive for integrated health care. PMH cannot be what it cannot afford, for example, a top-notch research facility with an excess of specialists staying by. However, its Mission statement should build upon its strengths, serving its community and truly caring for its patients. Both hospitals list "Excellence" as a core value. I think this is very realistic goal at PMH, mostly because it also listed the item "Use Measurement to Diagnose Problems and improve Processes". This tells me that there is desire (and hopefully commitment as well) to work efficiently. This will be important for a CAH facility, which typically has resource constraints.
Other than the goal to be the facility of choice, I really don't see any major changes I personally would make to the Mission, Vision, or Goals of PMH. They seem consistent with everything I saw on their website. The staff at PMH appear to be living up to those promises. However, per the findings of the Community Health Needs Assessment, PMH will need to make some adjustments to account for changes and additional needs of its community.

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A mission statement for a hospital is examined.

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An organization's vision is predicated upon the type of leader that the organization has. Transformational leadership will be required for PMH to enter into a new phase, and this type of leader is a servant leader who is attentive to the needs and concerns of their employees, patients, and community. For the transition from a Fee-For-Service system to a Managed Care model, the organization will need a leader that is able to engage in democratic leadership that involves all stakeholders in the process. Therefore, the vision of the leadership at PMH is to provide 21st century care while using the 21st century technological advances to improve the delivery of care to rural patients in West Virginia while also ...

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