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Ethical Theory Applied in Corporate Law

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Go to: http://ba.gsia.cmu.edu/ethics/AA/mgtmini.htm.

Read Case #9 "Cost Justified?"
Prepare an analysis in outline form. Your analysis should include the following

Who are the stakeholders in this case?
What are the interests of the stakeholders?

Legal Analysis

Do any of the listed laws apply to this case? (defamation law, product liability law, warrant law, securities acts, sarbanes-oxley, civil rights acts.)

If they do apply, analyze the legality of the corporation's actions in this case.

If the laws do not apply to the actions in this case, explain why they do not apply.

Ethical Analysis
If the decision maker applied the categorical imperative theory in this case, what would the result be, and why?
If the decision maker applied the utilitarian theory in this case, what would the result be, and why?
If the decision maker applied the rights theory in this case, what would the result be, and why?
If the decision maker applied the justice theory in this case, what would the result be, and why?

Conclusion and Recommendation
Based on the above, what is your final recommendation to the corporation regarding this case? Your recommendation should be at least two paragraphs and include at least three reasons, with specific references to material, stating how you arrived at that conclusion.

OUTLINE form. Sources in APA format.

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Solution Summary

This document outlines in basic form the actions of a corporation from a legal perspective and analyzes applicable laws in question. In addition, the discussion applies the various ethical theories in the situation provided in the case. 598 words with 3 references.

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Outline and recommendations.

I. Stakeholders
A. Joe
1. Economic well being-loss of position
2. Reputation or professional well being

B. Mary
1. Economic well being-loss of position
2. Professional well being

1. Economic well being-loss of position
2. Professional reputation

D. Shareholders
1. Economic considerations-investment return based on performance
2. Expected levels of return

E. Employees
1. Economic-job loss
2. Emotional well being-if blamed for system performance

II. Legal analysis
A. Breach of Warranty
1. If system purchased from outside vendor
2. If system used to provide expected quality of products/services

B. Product liability law
1. If system performance produces product failure
2. If system performance results in product injury

C. Sarbanes Oxley
1. If system is used in financial reporting and control
2. If Mary does not report facts about system-may not provide accurate financial data

III. Ethical ...

Solution provided by:
  • MEd, Jones International University
  • BSc, DeVry University
  • MPH, Walden University
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