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DHMO webiste

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I am seeking guidance with the following: Trident University, TUX301, Module 2, SLP 2

Write an essay evaluating website: www.dhmo.org using criteria established at the UC Berkeley website


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What DHMO is is examined. A references is provided.

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***Hope this helps.***

The website http://www.dhmo.org/ is an information portal that is run and maintained by the US Environmental Assessment Center. The website administrators state that there is a great deal of controversy relating to Dihydrogen Monoxide, and the goal of the portal is to present an unbiased evaluation of the molecule. The page is very simple in its layout without any advanced programming technologies, making it an easy location to do research on the topic. The first idea that comes to mind is, "how can a government sponsored webpage be unbiased?" It would seem that a neutral third party with other ...

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